Development of Color Products – From William Perkin to Urban Decay

Russian Red. 999. Ruby Woo. Pioneer. Androgyny. No. 1. What do these words call to mind? Beauty product enthusiasts the world over will recognize these iconic shade names currently inhabiting their purse. (The author tips her hat to the product developers and marketers at Dior, MAC, L’Oreal, Chanel, and Jeffree Star.) At the risk of taking the technology for […]
Protection from Artificial Visible Light (and not just Blue Light)

One of the most relevant cosmetic-industry trends in recent years – “blue light protection” – is also one of the most widely misunderstood; this article will help dispel some of the mysteries surrounding the concept of skin damage from exposure to digital screens. Blue light is not the whole story “Blue light” is a […]
Natural Sun-filters

Solar Ultraviolet Radiations UVA and UVB are complete carcinogens. They both cause DNA damage and, in the process of DNA repair, mutations are generated at non-negligible rates. Some mutations provoke the so-called transformation in which a cell acquires unlimited replication potential and loss of growth control. UV radiation is also known to be the single […]
Skin Microbiome

As a skin biologist and researcher of technology in the personal care field for over 20 years, there are few times in one’s career that you experience a trend that has the legs to become a new playing field in science. The skin microbiome strides made in recent years have truly been remarkable. Not only […]
Halal certification for personal care raw materials and products

Muslims around the world used the word Halal for many years to describe a certain dietary regimen. The roots of the word originate from the Quran and Shariah and it typically defines how animals are slaughtered and restricts the consumption of certain animals, and alcohol. In general, everything created by God is allowed as food […]
Naturals, Synthetics, and Safety – The Rise of Trends and the Fall of a Dialectic

In 2018 the modern fragrance industry will focus on technology, the regulatory environment, and the creative challenges. One of the hottest topics and trends outside of these specific focuses in not just fragrance but all of cosmetics, industrially or independently created, is natural products and formulation, and one that has triggered a wide variety of […]
Seaweeds – Cosmetic Applications

The ocean bioflora is rich in plants producing molecules essential for their survival that can be useful to protect our skin. Seaweeds are an amazing source of natural molecules for both nutrition and topical use. They are rich sources of minerals (including the essential micronutrient iodine), bioactive polysaccharides, carotenoids and even proteins, along with a […]