Yes, but you will only receive one.
All scholarship and grant recipients will be announced on 10/1 via email. The NYSCC will have a celebratory awards night on November 16th to recognize all scholarship and grant recipients.
Checks will be mailed the same week as NYSCC Supports Education Night (November 16th).
Yes, we also have grants for educational institutions, active members, and other SCC chapters. Please check the scholarship and grant guidelines to see if you qualify.
We offer money to science majors, NYSCC members, other SCC chapters, and educational institutions that promote the advancement of cosmetic science.
A check will be mailed to you the same week as NYSCC Supports Education Night (November 16th).
At this time we can only award scholarships and grants to individuals and institutions in the United States.
Yes, you need a minimum of a 3.0 to apply for all scholarships.
Scholarship and grant amounts vary from $2,500 to $10,000. Please check the guidelines to see the exact amount for each.
No, the NYSCC Scholarships and Grants are earned based on merit. As long as you meet the eligibility requirements you can receive the award.
Please email us at
Board Choice Scholarship
Please Note: The winning video may be posted on the NYSCC webpage. By applying, you are giving the S&G Committee permission to do so.
Key Dates
Application Opens: May 1st
Application Deadline: June 30th
Recipient Announcement: Oct 1st
Disbursement: Nov 16th
Roumelia Alina Inclusion & Diversity Scholarship
In honor of our past chapter secretary, Roumelia Alina, this scholarship has been created to honor the virtues that Roumelia displayed as a member of the cosmetic industry, her professional journey, and her contributions to the society. Roumelia’s HARD WORK was exemplary to those she worked for, worked with, and the clients she served. She used her technical abilities as an Account Manager to service her customers, going above and beyond to meet their expectations and needs. She showed PERSEVERANCE in every single position she held in the industry. Even though English was not her first language, that did not deter her from proactively learning and communicating effectively to ensure that she was performing her best in her professional roles. Even when others doubted her, she showed resilience and fortitude by winning customers with her level of service. Roumelia’s COMPASSION was unmatched and attested by all who knew her. Her friendly demeanor was a joy and earned her many meaningful connections both with her colleagues and her customers. She was a true COLLABORATOR and always there to lend a helping hand to those who were in need both personally and professionally. Roumelia embraced inclusion and diversity. She believed that no matter who you are or where you came from, everyone deserves the same opportunity.
Rest in Peace. Roumelia Alina 6.2019
Key Dates
Application Opens: May 1st
Application Deadline: June 30th
Recipient Announcement: Oct 1st
Disbursement: Nov 16th
Future of Sustainability Scholarship
Key Dates
Application Opens: May 1st
Application Deadline: June 30th
Recipient Announcement: Oct 1st
Disbursement: Nov 16th
General Education Scholarship
Key Dates
Application Opens: May 1st
Application Deadline: June 30th
Recipient Announcement: Oct 1st
Disbursement: Nov 16th
Mentee Next Steps Grant
Please Note: The winning video may be posted on the NYSCC webpage. By applying, you are giving the S&G Committee permission to do so.
Key Dates
Application Opens: May 1st
Application Deadline: June 30th
Recipient Announcement: Oct 1st
Disbursement: Nov 16th
Upskilling Grant
Please Note: The winning video may be posted on the NYSCC webpage. By applying, you are giving the S&G Committee permission to do so.
Key Dates
Application Opens: May 1st
Application Deadline: June 30th
Recipient Announcement: Oct 1st
Disbursement: Nov 16th
Grant for Educational Institutions
Please Note: The S&G Committee follows up with all grant recipients for a progress update. By applying, you are giving the S&G Committee permission to do so.
Key Dates
Application Opens: May 1st
Application Deadline: June 30th
Recipient Announcement: Oct 1st
Disbursement: Nov 16th
SCC Chapter Fellowship Grant
Please Note: The S&G Committee follows up with all grant recipients for a progress update. By applying, you are giving the S&G Committee permission to do so.
Key Dates
Application Opens: May 1st
Application Deadline: June 30th
Recipient Announcement: Oct 1st
Disbursement: Nov 16th