In 1980, the first Suppliers Day held at the Neptune Inn in Paramus NJ launched what was to become a world class annual event. Suppliers Day moved out of restaurants and hotels to the Meadowlands Convention Center in 1993, the Raritan Center in Edison in 2006, and finally went back across the Hudson to the Javits Center in 2017. The changes in venue were matched by increases in the duration of the shows and the educational offerings, resulting in an event that now showcases the value of the NYSCC for the entire world of cosmetic science.
While Suppliers Day expanded, so did the educational events, and the old model of a dinner and one speaker evolved into all day seminars on critical topics provided by an array of industry experts. When covid-19 hit, the NYSCC continued using a virtual platform and maintained its value as a technical resource for its members and for industry professionals everywhere. The Chapter has returned to live meetings with increased vigor.
The NYSCC has used its resources to fund scholarships and research grants, and was instrumental in getting the Journal of Cosmetic Science scanned and online in 2007, to the lasting benefit of the entire industry. The Chapter’s newsletter, the Cosmetiscope, has grown from a few pages of meeting notices to an invaluable publication containing not only detailed information on event topics and speakers, but also providing technical articles by industry experts. The web site has likewise evolved and shows its value by the heavy traffic it draws, and the use of social media platforms since 2013 has been employed to share meeting highlights in real time.
The NYSCC has also created special opportunities for young scientists entering the industry with its Future Chemists Workshop inaugurated in 2017. Mentorship programs promote one-on-one interactions between newcomers and successful industry veterans. Students are encouraged to attend meetings at little cost and exposure to other members provides valuable networking opportunities for them.
The NYSCC has a rich history, but is ultimate value is always the next meeting. The Chapter adds to its history every day as it serves its members and the global world of beauty.